4 Basic Rules For A Successful Diet

diet regimenIf you want to start a diet program for the first time, but not the slightest idea how to do that. By following these tips are very easy to get your body are leaner and healthier of course.

Actually, the formula is simple: eat fewer calories than are consumed by the body. But that's not that simple. Especially those who suffer from obesity, it creates only with extreme difficulty of getting rid of extra pounds again. Years of poor nutrition habits, which often are also reason to have an eating disorder, not only brought the body out of shape, but are also ideal conditions for the emergence of secondary diseases such as hypertension or diabetes. By then, the physician's recommendation to stick to a diet. No easy task for the patient, especially as many physicians interested in rare for the cause of massive excess weight.
There is no miracle diet

If fat people claim they would feel good with their pounds, you can give this statement hardly believe. It is rather the impotence that expresses those affected it, resolved to take action against their problem. Often numerous diet attempts behind them, which ended at 90% the fact that the weight of the yo-yo effect even further increased. Who wants to slim down, which must be clear that this process requires much patience and only a change in diet works until the end of life. It should be different from the term "diet" So say goodbye once and for all. The most difficult phase begins at the very beginning, when the body keeps trying to fall back into his old rut. Therefore, there are a few tips.

When losing weight, there are only four basic rules :

1st A target set

But! Although there are 40 or 50 pounds, wants to get rid of it, the goal may not be connected to the same high. Losing weight from 0.5 to 1 kilogram in a week is normal and gives the body time to regenerate. Please do not despair even in a down-weight, who will join after several weeks of continuous decline. This time the body needs to regress the skin. Therefore it is advisable to write down next to the weekly weigh approximately every four weeks, the body measurements of waist, abdomen, upper arms and thighs. If the hand stops the scales at some point, you can motivate yourself to new.

2nd Fat and sugar consumption limit

Fat has the most calories and sugar stimulates insulin production increases too much, so this is not possible to burn fat. However, the body needs to maintain the vital functions of a certain amount of fat. Also on sugary foods cannot be eliminated permanently. With the right food you can preserve the quality of life and must give up anything.

3rd At least 1.5 to 2 liters of drinking water per day

Sometimes even a glass of water helps to bridge an oversized appetite until your next meal. Also, each meal should be taken with a glass of water to fill the stomach before anything. The water, which can be equally well replaced by sugar-free tea, has also flush out the task, the degradation products of the body. When you just imagine that every glass of water for a few grams of fat body flushes out, there are still drinking the same amount of light.

4th Incorporate movement into everyday life.

Course is difficult with massive obesity each step. Again, it is important to start in small steps so that the body actually throws off his fat and muscle mass is not important can disappear. In the beginning, you should allow simple little everyday activities into the daily routine, such as Get off on journeys by public transport one stop earlier and walk to the destination drive, use the stairs instead of the elevator or even buy a bike. With every pound lost, the body is resilient and it can be given to other sports. For very overweight are recommended protecting the joints, especially swimming and walking.